Top 10 Reasons to buy InterDoc

  1. Easiness in usage, no need to train users
  2. Universality
  3. Low requirements to hardware
  4. No need to create complex ways of documents circulation
  5. Allows to built-in the crypt-systems
  6. Allows to make orders and keep track the terms of execution
  7. Supports Web-technologies
  8. Powerful privileges settings
  9. Full text search on documents capability
  10. Powerful user rights set
  11. Minimal requirements to personal workstations' resources


The Document Management system InterDoc is designed to automate the functioning of user workgroups on an enterprise scale. With the help of this system one can provide the controllable process of the executives' collective work on documents and store the results of this work in the central information collector.

The Document Management system InterDoc consists of some components and can work both in network variant and in remote variant through modem. When it works in network variant, there are no special requirements to network and no limits for the number of users working at the same time at the same network segment. When it works in remote variant the special connection protocols are used. They work well on the lines with a bad quality of data transmission and allow to use the connection time more rational.

  • Providing the electronic registration of executives' activity and documents circulation
  • Statistical information manipulations
  • The client-server technology support in Widows 95/98/NT environment
  • Shared users access with the administrating rights
  • Simultaneous operation of about 500 usersї.
  • Extended system of record retrieval
  • Flexible system of statistical and reporting documentation generation
  • System of databases archiving, refreshing and backup copying

The tree type structure of objects base allows to keep the full organization structure with referenced data of employees' and organizations' addresses and phone numbers.

The structure of incoming documents base allows allocating the documents to departments, executives; to control the documents execution.

The built-in Report Editor InterReport allows to create any reports without the software recompilation.

Also there is a possibility of "hot" data archiving (while the users are working). The multiple sessions support and multilevel users' access to information and to system in general is provided.

There is a possibility of creation the rights template for quick usage of rights to new program user. The software is instrumented for data restoring in the case of system error or PC disconnection. At now our software has Ukrainian-language interface and can be translated to any language.

Technological Diagram



Suggested Document Management system is used effectively in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine since 1 Jan, 2000.

InterDoc sertificate